Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just Keep Going: Mantra for a Mom Who Does Triathlons

I love yoga. And bouldering. And sleep. So, as the reality of competing in triathlons this season looms closer, the reality of time limits and my desire to be a well-rounded woman take a up a big space in my head. Those two polar opposites strap on boxing gloves and go head to head in the boxing ring of my brain.

If I weren't a mom of four spunky girls who need all of me. If I didn't work an awesome job — which I love. If I didn't have a house that keeps insisting new projects be done on it. If I didn't have the drive to get creative with paint and pencil. If I didn't own a brand new sewing machine begging for me to make new stuff. If I didn't relish making healthy meals from scratch. If I didn't adore talking to my friends and family on the phone or internet or at fun gatherings. I'd be free to do whatever I wanted with my triathlon training. But, I do have all those things. And I feel blessed to have so much.

So, here's what I do to get ready for triathlons. I schedule out everything ahead of time. I write down when I'll go swimming, running, and biking. I use a great coach who sends me workouts (we start next month) nearly every day. I don't agonize over a missed workout. I don't try to make up the workout I missed every time. I just keep going. I log it all into the tracking system my trainer uses and I keep going. Did I already say, I keep going? That's what I do. I keep going. That's how triathlons are, too. Push for the finish and don't worry about the missteps, slow-ups, falls, sore muscles, and mind-numbing exhaustion along the way.

Go. Fight. Win...or just finish what you started.


  1. That Dory song is playing in my head, you know, the "just keep swimming" theme. I am with you! That is why I'm only doing two sprint tris this summer and moving to cycling. I know I can at least get my cycling training in! But if anyone can just keep going, it's you, babe!

  2. What great advice! I will have to start making a schedule going forward. Any tips on finding a good coach?

  3. I'm a doofus! Just realized you have online coach-how cool!
